The French and Indian War
Ryan Cecil and Sam Connolly
An Analysis of the French and Indian War and Its Affects on European Expansion in North America

Before the French and Indian War the Native Americans were part of the the French Indian Fur Trade. Many Indians have become dependent on this trade for resources such as gunpowder. This fur trade caused the French to colonize along the Mississippi, allowing the French to build forts at important sites such as the Great Lakes to Louisiana. The most important fort they set up was fort Duquesne at the ohio river valley. All of these forts helped the French make better relations with Native Americans since most were used to trade with Natives.
During the war Many Native american had decided to ally with the French due to the Fur trade. Some of the Native Americans that fought with the French Were the Delawares, Shawnees, Potawatomis, Ojibwas, and Ottawas Indians. Many other Natives decided to stay neutral for the war. One of the most important Native American Tribes that was neutral for most of the war sided with the British. That was the Iroquois Confederacy, which is made up of the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca.
After the war many Native Americans are going to suffer the most from France's loss. When France lost they had to give up all of their land in North America. This was a problem since many of the natives relied on the fur trade with the French. They also got tricked into signing the Treaty of Easton which will end up not helping the Natives.
During April of 1763 along the Ecorse River a meeting of Native Americans discussed that they need to get rid of the British. The leader of this revolt would be Pontiac, creating a force of the Wyandot, Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Ojibwas. This force would be known as Pontiac’s Rebellion which will take many British Forts. Pontiac will rely on trickery to take these forts. The first attempt of taking a fort was at Fort Detroit. Pontiac made agreements with Major Henry Gladwin to do a ceremonial dance where they would attack the people of Fort Detroit with their concealed weapons. Henry was told of this plan and did not allow the Indians to come into the fort. Pontiac tried another trick to get Henry out of the fort. He said they were going to surrender and they wanted to make terms with him. This plan did not work and caused the Natives to lose some trust in Pontiac. This was one of the few forts that did not fall for Pontiacs tricks. It was about mid June 1763 when the rebellion was at its height. By the Time the Indians made their way to Fort Pitt many soldiers who escaped the Indians forewarnd Fort Pitt of an attack. The Natives made an attempt to attack Fort Pitt but was not successful. So on June 24, the Natives wanted to negotiate some resolutions, instead the captain of the Fort gave them linine of patients who have smallpox. This did cause a smallpox outbreak which weakened the Natives around Fort Pitt. At Fort Pitt the Natives siege was broken by Colonel Henry Bouquet ending Pontiac's Rebellion. Even though Pontiac's Rebellion was over the British continued to move westward killing many Natives leaving them more hurt than ever.
There was efforts to help make better relations with the Natives by William Johnson but his plan failed due to the Stamp Act of 1764. Many Indians will have to go back to the way they lived before the europeans got here in the Indian reserves from the Proclamation of 1763. Due to the french losing and the expansion of Britain it has caused the Indians to have lost there trade with the europeans.
Fun Fact
There have been many Indian reserves in history.