
Tanaghrisson was born a Catawba in 1700 but then adopted by the Senecas who were a member of the Iroqouis Leage. In time he became a chief and was given the label "Half King". This is because he was considered a spokesman for the Iroqouis, but all of his decisions had to be approved by the Iroqouis Council. By 1753 Tanaghrisson sought to unite the tribes of the Ohio Indians in opposition of the French and gain the protection of the English. He demanded many times that the French depart. In 1754 Tanaghrisson took part in an attack on the French with Major General George Washington near Jumonville, PA, where French soldiers were captured. Reputedly, Tanaghrisson himself killed the captured French leader Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville, causing the feud between the Colonists and the French to accelerate into the French and Indian War. Later Tanaghrisson would fail at securing the Delawares and Shawnees in the English interest and would die due to poor health on October 4, 1754.