
Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville, Joseph, was born on September 8, 1718 in North America. When he was only a fifteen year old cadet in the army both his father and brother were killed in an attack by the Foxes. After serving in Louisiana he was awarded an ensign's commission in 1743, then commissioned second ensign two years later. Followig this Jumonville married Marie-Anne-Marguerite Soumande at Montreal and served on the Acadian fronteir. Later when the Colonists and the French began feuding over the Ohio River valley, Jumonville was dispatched from Fort Duquesne with about thirty men to to call on colonial leader George Washington to withdraw from the valley. Near Jumonvile, PA, Washington suprised Jumonville and captured him. He was then suppossedly killed by the Indian Half King; contributing to the start of the French and Indian War. This was on May 28, 1754.