The Assassination of Jumonville

It was the year 1754 when the French started to build Fort Duquesne on top of the British fort called Fort Prince George. Goerge Washington had been told by governor Robert Dinwiddie to go and build Fort Prince Goerge, but he did not make it in time to stop the French from building Fort Duquesne. Since Washington did not make it in time he decided to set up Fort Red Stone. Contrecoeur, the French commander in charge, sent out Native American scouts to watch the progress of Washington's movement. To stop the progress of Washington's army, he decided to send a group of men including Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville to deliver a message to Washington. While Jumonville was camping the natives working for Washington discovered the French. Fearing a suprise attack Washington decided to take 40 men and confont them. In doing so, Washington met up with Seneca chief Tanaghrisson, also known as Half King. Washington's men surrounded the camp and waited until morning to attack. Ten minutes after the start of the attack the French surrendered. Jumonville desperately tried to get his message to Washington but Half King walked up to Jumonville and killed him. This action then caused many other natives to start killing more of the French. After washington realized what had happened, there were only twenty two French soilders left. A French soldier escaped and was able to tell the commander at Fort Duquesne that Washington had attacked the French.